Email Etiquette — Permission-Based Email Campaign

Adeokan Damilare
4 min readDec 6, 2020


The aim of marketing is to create awareness, provoke interest in the products and services and then generate the sale of the products. For Email Marketing, you’re delivering email messages to new or future clients.

Email Marketing is an immensely successful and reliable marketing tool

Email marketing is also one of the most cost-effective ways to inform your audience about the goods and services you offer. It is much cheaper than conventional ads and will have a greater effect on instant sales and the strength of long-term partnerships.

Email marketing allows a seller and a customer to connect with each other instantly and efficiently, building a bond of confidence. Yet, we have to admit that the flip side of email marketing remains. Yes, I’m talking about spam. Email marketers are not just safe and fluffy. Among them, there are those who give unsolicited promotions via email.

Sending spam damages any reputable business or organization’s good name and can turn your positive clients into your worst enemies.

So if you respect your fair name and want to develop a long-term relationship with your consumers, note email marketing rule number one-do not send unsolicited emails. Send permission-based messages via email.

Permission-based email marketing involves sending efficient & personalized email messages to a carefully managed list of recipients who have given you permission to access them. It means the people on your list have asked you to send emails to them and you can ask them to affirm their intention to be added to your list, just to make sure they didn’t subscribe by accident. All this will act as confirmation that you are not spamming. Permission-based email marketing helps you to concentrate on opportunities and clients who are more than happy to become loyal customers and are very interested in what you deliver.

Permission-based email campaign outlines Where to start from? How to reach your target audience for a permission-based email campaign? How to manage a list of collected recipients? Every intelligent email marketer asks himself these obvious questions. We’ll review the process of putting a successful permission-based email campaign into effect below:

  1. Get a system to manage your email marketing subscribers and mailings. You’ll need an email marketing system that will allow you to create newsletters, manage subscribes, unsubscribes, bounces, and view reporting statistics like opens and clickthroughs.
  2. Create a sign-up form on your website or blog if you have one or just setup a landing page so you can start collecting subscribers. If you already have any lists of subscribers that have requested your communications, import those lists into your email management software.
  3. Compose the content for your mail. it must contain your logo, information on your products and services, and links to your socials etc. Send only quality & relevant content. Do not send meaningless emails. Check the spelling of your message carefully. Have someone else read it too.
  4. Test the mail. It would be smart to test your email message before sending it out to the world. Send it to yourself or to your friends to ensure that it looks like you expected.
  5. Send your email to your list. Think about the frequency of the mails you will be sending. You can certainly send multiple emails if you sell different types of products, or have multiple email lists with relevant customers. You can also send promotional messages from time to time offering a discount coupon for a product or service, or providing your customers with the information they may be interested in. Sending your mails with a consistent frequency will let your subscribers know that you are in business and care about them. As your list grows, you will notice increased traffic (and increased sales) on the day of and the days following an email sent.
  6. Manage your bounces and unsubscribes. It's nice if your email management software does this automatically. Do not send the messages to bounced email addresses, or to people who unsubscribed.

Get my E-book on Email Marketing to learn how to start and manage an Email Marketing Campaign >>> CLICK HERE TO GET IT

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Adeokan Damilare

Certified Digital Marketing Professional || Creative Thinker & Content Creator